祝贺我们被录取的学生们! 准备好体验俄亥俄州? 接下来该怎么做:
为了加入newbb电子平台大家庭,被录取的新生还有重要的下一步要做. Just read all of the information about each of the steps to prepare for a successful start at 俄亥俄州. 请参阅我们的 亲自和虚拟校园参观选项 与顾问,教师和学生交谈. You can also ask questions online, receive a phone call or text or participate in an online event.
本科招生 is ready to help you complete the next steps outlined below. 联络我们: admissions@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电740.593.4100 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
下一个步骤 | 当 |
激活你的俄亥俄身份证 | 在newbb电子 |
完成所需的入学前纪律和犯罪历史审查表 | 入院后立即 |
资助你的教育/申请FAFSA | 从十二月开始 |
确认您的注册意向 | 12月1日至5月15日(延长)!) |
开始使用My俄亥俄州Roomie室友匹配服务搜索室友 | 12月1日 |
发送任何额外的考试成绩以获得奖学金 | 到4月15日 |
审查经济援助申请 | 4月28日的第一周 |
报名参加newbb电子平台学生迎新会 | 二月开始 |
选择一个室友,如果你愿意的话 | 5月1日开始 |
在一般房间选择时选择房间 | 5月20 |
转换学分 | 前方向 |
参加newbb电子平台学生迎新会 | 6月 |
回顾学生的期望和学习日程 | 定位后 |
启用俄亥俄州在线服务 | 定位后 |
要求将最终成绩单发送到俄亥俄州 | 到6月30日 |
在线查看学生财务账户 | 7月15日 |
支付秋季学期账户余额或参加每月付款计划 | 8月21日 |
移动 | 八月二十二日及二十三日 |
了解卫生服务 | 8月下旬 |
完成在线酒精和性侵犯教育课程 | 在接收到对模块的访问时 |
开始秋季学期课程 | 8月26日 |
要开始,必须激活您的俄亥俄州 ID. 您需要您的俄亥俄ID来访问您的俄亥俄电子邮件. Your birth date and your personal identification (PID) number (provided in your application acknowledgment letter) are all you need to officially activate your online 俄亥俄州 access, 包括电子邮件.
确保你定期检查你的俄亥俄电子邮件. 所有官方信件将发送到您的newbb电子平台电子邮件帐户. 该帐户也是获取房屋合同所必需的.
这个快速, simple form is required for all admitted students as part of our commitment to providing the safest possible learning environment at newbb电子平台. 的 要求入学前纪律和犯罪历史审查 form is available in your My俄亥俄州学生中心 并应立即完成. 披露正式的纪律处分, 指控或定罪不会自动取消你的入学资格, 但你披露的信息会被审查. 根据您的回答,我们可能会与您联系,要求提供更多信息. 这张表必须填好, reviewed and cleared for enrollment before you can sign up for Bobcat Student Orientation or register for classes.
newbb电子平台致力于提供负担得起的大学教育. We are dedicated to helping our students find the financial support they need to discover their promise at 俄亥俄州. 在2022-2023学年, 我们的一年级学生获得了超过2500万美元的奖学金, 99%的学生获得了经济资助.
的 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) serves as your application for all types of financial assistance at newbb电子平台. 学生应尽快提交FAFSA. newbb电子平台 has extended the deadline for first-priority consideration for all federal, 国家和机构财政援助截止到4月15日, 2024. 你的入学申请作为你的择优奖学金申请. 申请奖学金, freshmen should submit a completed admission application by the Early Action deadline of November 15. 俄亥俄州可以在11月15日之后继续使用收到的更新证书进行奖励, 2023, 就个人而言.
In the My俄亥俄州学生中心, you can view account details, account balance and payment options. You can also designate authorized users to enable other individuals to view your account details and make payments.
To retain any scholarships you have been offered and receive your invitation to Bobcat Student Orientation, 您通过以下方式确认您的报名意向:
- 提交房屋合同和200美元可退还押金
- 或提交通勤合同
大一新生 or transfer students with fewer than four semesters or six quarters in the residence halls after high school graduation are 要求住校 并参与相关的膳食计划. (在住房部分了解更多信息或查看 房屋豁免页.) For other students, submission of the final transcript confirms their intent to enroll. 不要求住校的学生仍可申请住宿.
Here's how you let us know that you plan to enroll at newbb电子平台 (and become a Bobcat for life!). 确认您的注册意向 by submitting your housing contract and deposit by the extended May 15 deadline.
我们美丽的, 历史, 雅典住宿校园, 俄亥俄州, provides an environment where students of diverse backgrounds live and learn together, 建立友谊,分享他们的想法和观点. About 7,000 students live in our 30+ residence halls and dine in our award-winning campus eateries.
我们邀请您亲自来俄亥俄州看看. 加入我们的俄亥俄州近距离报道, 为被录取的学生和他们的家人提供一个独特的校园参观机会,或注册参加我们的日常校园参观机会之一!
Students do not need to know where they would like to live on campus to complete a housing contract. 在完成申请并选择膳食计划之后, 学生将收到有关住房选择的相关信息.
- 的 My俄亥俄州Roomie 12月开始提供室友配对服务.
- 知道自己想和谁住在一起的学生也可以选择室友 住房自助服务 5月1日开始.
- 第一年的一般房间选择过程将于5月20日至23日进行. (Selection will take place mid-May for students interested in gender inclusive housing and for students who will be participating in an Experiential Living Opportunity, i.e. 美术,无物质,女性领导和荣誉大厅.)参观 住房和居住生活室查看页面 去看看每个房间的风格.
- Students who submit a housing contract after May 15 are encouraged to contact Housing and Residence Life to discuss their preferences and select a room.
Students will be assigned a move-in date and time, but may change it through 住房自助服务. 学生必须在预定的日期和时间到达. Keys will not be available for students who arrive outside of their scheduled time.
Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO) connects you with the people and resources you'll need to transition into 俄亥俄州 with confidence. 通过这个必要的1.5天的活动, 教师, staff and orientation leaders will teach you about the curriculum and the requirements for your major. This is also when you will register for your first-semester courses with the help of an advisor.
在6月份进行了面对面和虚拟的培训, 但并不是所有的课程日期都对所有专业开放. If you are unable to find an available session for your major, contact the BSO office at 740.593.1951 or orientation@俄亥俄州.edu. 工作人员 will contact you within two days to find a program date that works for you and your family. Additional programs for first-year students who are unable to attend a session in June will be held in July and August. Please contact the BSO office to discuss options for attending one of those later dates.
请参阅 为入职做准备 确保你为参加培训做好了充分的准备. 分班测试至关重要, so be sure you’ve taken all necessary placement tests before your scheduled BSO program. 你还应该查看newbb电子平台2024-2025年本科目录 (即将到来!) 了解可用的课程. Bobcat Student Orientation includes registering for courses and freshman Learning Communities.
You will learn how to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you as part of the 俄亥俄州 community. Freshmen who have confirmed their intent to enroll will receive BSO sign-up information in the mail.
一般, college-level courses completed with a D- or better from a regionally accredited institution as part of College Credit Plus or dual enrollment programs through a high school are transferable to 俄亥俄州. 考试学分(大学先修课程), 国际学士学位, 大学水平考试计划)也被普遍接受, 只要你获得必要的分数. 转移你的学分, you must have an official college transcript or score report sent from the college or testing agency directly to 本科招生.
Now you are ready to complete the rest of the tasks required to ensure a smooth transition to your first day at newbb电子平台. 这包括复习课程目录, 启用网上服务, 了解学生健康服务和保险, 参加网上的酒精和性侵犯教育课程, 规划到校园的交通.
Students will be assigned a move-in date and time, but may change it through 住房自助服务. 学生必须在预定的日期和时间到达. Keys will not be available for students who arrive outside of their scheduled time.